Ask Ambrose – Pet Trouble a’Plenty

Man Has Cat Problem


Dear Ambrose,

My cat Sneaky Sam likes to hide, and he likes to hide a lot. In fact, he hides so often and is so good at it that most people don’t even believe I have a cat and think I am just being a jerk or, worse yet, trying to big note myself by pretending to have a cat. This situation is causing strain in my social life and making me look dishonest, so I would like some suggestions as to how I can convince Sneaky Sam to be more open about his existence. Please find enclosed a photo of Sneaky Sam hiding.

Owner of Elusive Feline

sneaky sam hiding

Dear Owner of Elusive Feline

There is no cat in the picture you have sent me, hence I can only assume that you do not have a cat. I suspect you are either a dreadful liar or some sort of crazy person. Please find yourself a therapist, preferably not an imaginary one.

Hoping I have been of help,

Owner Unhappy With Dog’s Outdoor Activities

Dear Ambrose,

My dog digs up my yard. I know a lot of people can say that, but my dog does it with earth-moving equipment! He even went to the trouble of enrolling in the local community college in order to get the license required to operate the excavator seen in the picture! We have no idea where he would have gotten the money for such an expensive machine so we suspect he stole it from a nearby construction site. We have tried all sorts of things to get him to stop, like bribing him with extra kibble and threatening to take away his X-Box but nothing works. Adding insult to injury, he often makes the lamest of excuses for his behavior such as claiming that he is looking for Blackbeard’s treasure or building us a new swimming pool. Please help us – we fear that one day we will wake up to find that our house has become an island surrounded by a waterless moat.


Doggy Digger Driving Dada Daffy

my dog digs up my garden

Dear Doggy Digger Driving Dada Daffy

I have an ideal solution to your problem. If your dog is so keen on digging, why don’t you send him off to work in construction? He already knows his way to at least one construction site, so how hard can it be? That way doggy digs around to his heart’s content and he gets a load of cash, which should come in handy as I suspect he is soon going to need a lawyer.

Hoping I have been of help,


Concerned About Pet’s Health

Dear Ambrose,

My dog has some sort of weird tumor on his head. What can I do about this?
Owner of Unwell Pooch

Pineapple Falls

dear ambrose dog has weird tumor

Dear Owner of Unwell Pooch,

That’s not a tumor, you fool, it’s some sort of fancy hat! And who are you to criticize your dog’s fashion choices? He’s an adult dog isn’t he? If he wants to wear silly hats that’s his business, not yours. Learn to have some respect for others’ need to express themselves through fashion and you will find life much easier.

Hoping I have been of help,

Owner Fears Reptilian Mischief

Dear Ambrose

My gecko is a war mongering bastard. He has on several occasions blown up neighbor’s mailboxes and recently declared war on all the local cats. He hides near trash cans in the alley and then launches a barrage of shells at them while yelling rude things like, “Yeah! Eat that, furball!” I am afraid not only for the local feline population but for George himself as his activities may draw the attention of the NSA and land him in one of those secret prisons they have in Oklahoma.
PSGeorge is the name of my gecko.

George’s Owner

gecko in tank

Dear George’s Owner

I’m afraid there’s not much that can be done about a radicalized gecko and your only option may be to enlist him in the U.S army. I hear they are pretty desperate these days and will take anyone willing to be paid in live crickets. Between his warmongering attitude and the fact that he has his own equipment it shouldn’t be long before he is a four star general. After that, you can probably run him for the senate on a major party ticket and if he wins it will give him something to do other than harass the local cats. It will probably be bad news for certain arid parts of the world, but no solution is perfect.

Hoping I have been of help,

Inactive Dog Problem

Dear Ambrose

My dog constantly irritates me by going into trances. He does this at least twice a day, just walks into the room that I am in, sits down and “Zoink!” he’s in a trance that will last up to an hour. What can I do about this irritating behavior?
Hassled By Spaced Out Dog

Rhode Island

dog trance

Dear Hassled By Spaced Out Dog

How do you know that he is in a trance? Maybe he’s just resting his eyes or maybe he’s taken up transcendental meditation. Try tricking him by yelling “My, what’s the vet doing with such a large hypodermic!?!?” If this does not work you can shout out “Hey, look! I won some tickets to see the Bangerz tour!” This one should work on him regardless of whether he likes or dislikes that girl with the tongue, the only danger being that if he falls into the latter group the horror of it all may kill him. If neither of these get a rise out of him he may indeed be in a real trance, perhaps some kind of narcolepsy thing. The most important point to remember is to not mistake him for dead and bury him in the backyard under the old apple tree, as this could put a strain on your relationship with your companion animal and draw the ire of the authorities. Looking on the bright side, there are many uses for a dog in a trance. For example, you can use him as a door stop, or as an unusually large and cumbersome paperweight, or just as a conversation piece. When visitors come over and ask what’s up with your dog you can always say, “Oh, that’s Sunny Jim, he hasn’t been the same since his trip to India.”

Hoping I have been of help,

Attila The Hamster – A Brief History

atilla the hamster painting final

Attila Nuthoarder, better known to friend and historian alike as Attila the Hamster, was the king of the Hamster Empire from around 434 to 453 AD, or somewhere approximately around that time. Though largely forgotten nowadays, the Hamster Empire was a large and impressive one that at its peak stretched from the Ural River (in what is now Russia but was in Attila’s day known as “The Land of the Drunken Ones” ) to the Rhine River – in what is now Germany but was in Attila’s day known as “The Land of the Leather Pants.”

Though often thought of as a species native to Eurasia, the Hamster race is actually an antipodean one descended from the Giant Wombats of the Pleistocene epoch, and migrated en masse to Eurasia after the Australian aboriginals invented tennis. Having invented racquets almost two thousand years before they finally got round to inventing the tennis ball, the aboriginals had to resort to using the local Hamsters as balls – the very word “tennis” is, in fact, an old aboriginal word meaning “flat, furry creature.” This unfortunate situation led to great displeasure amongst the Hamsters, who saw the aboriginals as bad employers and resented being bounced all over the outback for wages that made even those of Walmart look generous, and after a couple of decades of industrial unrest they finally decided to leave for the fabled Great Northern Land inside a fleet of hollowed out dingoes. The Hamsters are thought to have arrived in Eurasia around 95 AD, and soon took full possession of the region after driving the local Scythian peoples to extinction by keeping them up all night by running around in their little wheels.

Having rid themselves of their human competition, the Hamsters were able to gorge on all that the new land had to offer and soon grew to an average male height of about 4 foot, thereby fulfilling the potential inherent in their Giant Wombat ancestry. By 429 AD, however, the Hamsters had become bored with their natural diet of fruit and grubs and, under the leadership of Attila, decided to spread out from Eurasia and into Germany in search of what they had heard was the world’s best carrot cake – mostly in the hopes of having a massive pig-out but perhaps also entertaining ideas of setting up some sort of franchise business. Although the barbaric creatures found the Germanic carrot cake to be quite good, they also thought it was a little on the dry side and there wasn’t as much as they would have liked, the Germanic tribes being much keener on chocolate-based treats which the Hamster warriors soon found out had unfortunate side effects for their species – such as causing them to drop dead. It was then that Attila and his forces turned their shiny, greedy little eyes toward Imperial Rome.

Speaking of Attila, there is not much known about the great rodent other than that he was born into a litter of 8 pups, 6 of which he ate before they could even say, “Hi there!” – the seventh he kept for the following day – and that he was a great military strategist who could beat just about anyone at World of Warcraft. It was this military genius that led to the rapid expansion of the Hamster Empire during Attila’s reign. It was he, for example, who decided to take advantage of his species’ nocturnal nature by attacking only when the enemy was sound asleep and not expecting to be attacked by Hamsters. This gave Attila and his warriors a huge advantage and led to many unexpected victories, not to mention many permanently ruined pajamas. In one famous instance, the Roman General Gaius Lombardius dreamt that he was falling off a cliff, only to wake to find that a Hamster warrior had separated the left half of his body from the right, making it difficult for him to tie his shoes.

Another major Attila innovation came in regards to looting, which Hamsters had traditionally carried out with wheelbarrows. Attila realized that this was a foolish custom and that the Hamster warriors would be better served by stuffing their huge cheek pouches with various high-value plunder, thereby leaving their cute, furry little hands free to slaughter their enemies. It is told in the ancient Roman manuscript “The Chronicles of Tacitus The Unbelievably Gullible,” that this is how the urn containing the ashes of Tacitus’ mother went missing, though most of his friends thought that his wife had traded it for a pair of pomegranates which somehow ended up being used to pelt Emperor Valentinian III in what was, without a doubt, one of the most inept assassination attempts ever in the history of the Roman empire.

Eventually, Attila’s lust for carrot cake led him to attack the city of Rome itself, whose coffers, it was rumored, overflowed with the sweetest, most luscious carrot cake in existence. In 452 AD Attila crossed the Rhine with an army of 500 thousand Hamster warriors and marched towards the great city, stopping briefly to raid the carrot cake stores of Aquileia and destroy the town so thoroughly that for decades the only sign that it had ever existed was a small pile of ashes upon which was planted a white flag bearing the words “Enough already!”

In the middle of March, not long after the sack of Aquileia, Attila and his army set up camp just outside Rome. Later that night Attila consulted his tribe’s Soothsayer, who told him that if he attacked Rome on the Ides of March a mighty empire would have its mortgage foreclosed upon. The Hamsters being a primitive and superstitious people, Attila might have been intimidated had he only known what an Ides was. As it is, he had the Soothsayer thrown off the nearest cliff – cliffs being the closest thing they had in those days to mental hospitals – and the following day launched his attack on Rome. At first all seemed to go well, with Roman soldiers falling like so many overgrown bowling pins before the ferocious swords of the Hamsters, but as Attila and his army reached the gates of the city the Romans unleashed their secret weapon – hundreds of gigantic spray bottles filled with rodent repellent. A cunning blend of garlic, olive oil, and finely ground anchovies, the mixture left Attila and his Hamster warriors covered in gunk and seriously grossed out, causing them to flee Rome, promising to never return. But Attila was not a Hamster so easily deterred, and soon after returning home he invented the hazmat suit and started secretly planning for yet another attack on Rome. It was then that disaster struck and the great warrior met the most unlikely of fates.

One night in early 453 AD, during one of his frequent house parties, Attila was unexpectedly killed when he ingested some chocolate which had been cleverly disguised as a very large hazelnut. According to witnesses present at the time, after devouring the chocolate Attila proceeded to run around in a circle while barking like a dog, then had some sort of fit during which he seemed to be hallucinating about having an argument with his dentist, then sang several verses of “Goodnight Irene,” before flipping onto his back, twitching his little legs, and dropping dead. Though never confirmed, the murder is thought to have been orchestrated by Pope Leo The Flatulent, who feared that a successful Hamster invasion of Rome would lead to disaster, mostly because the Hamsters were notorious party animals who would keep everyone up at night and poop all over the place.

According to legend, after his death Attila was taken to a mystical isle in the middle of the Rhine, where, after a fittingly fancy ceremony, he was buried in a highly ornate coffin made of gold and silver. As was customary amongst the Hamsters, several items thought to be needed in the afterlife were buried with the great leader, including his favorite weapons, a horse, several pairs of pants, his favorite wheel, and, of course, a plentiful supply of his beloved carrot cake.

Sorority Row – String

sorority row string 11 sep 2014 final

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