Sorority Row — Warning Sign

How To Be An Indi-Bloody-vidual

Evidence that Australia has inflicted worse things than Russell Crowe on the world. Mark Jackson, best known by the wildly imaginative nickname of “Jacko,” was a one time football player who in 1981 suffered massive brain damage while taking part in Sydney’s annual Running of the Wallabies – the overly frugal Jackson had bent down to pick up a five cent coin when several thousand of the creatures decided to jump up and down on his head. After the incident, doctors judged Jackson too intellectually defective to continue to play football, so he went into pop music instead. “I’m an Individual” was his biggest hit, making it all the way to Number One, but other Top Twenty hits included “Me Brain Hurts” and “Bloody Marsupials Squashed Me Head”!

Jackson also did a series of commercials for the Energizer brand, but as the incident with the wallabies had left him with a life-long fear of small, furry animals, all shots which featured both Jackson and the Energizer Bunny had to be performed by a body double ( the body double was for Jackson, not for the Energizer Bunny.)

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